Services Offered
For more information about these services
contact us at 615-213-1468


Hardest Hit Fund Program – Homeowners who qualify for financial assistance under this program may receive up to 18 months of monthly mortgage payments and/or funds to pay past due mortagage payments.


Foreclosure Prevention
Have you had trouble making your mortgage payment on time? Are your mortgage payments increasing due to adjusting interest rates? Have you made a late mortgage payment within the last 6 months? We are often able to help you renegotiate with your lender to keep foreclosure from happening.


Homebuyer Education – For typical homebuyer education programs, participants complete eight to twelve course hours. The “Realizing the American Dream” homebuyer education curriculum* used by these certified trainers addresses the following four basic areas: 1. Budgeting and Credit 2. Shopping for a Home 3. Getting a Mortgage Loan 4. Keeping Your Home and Managing Your Finances.


Debt Buster/Improve Credit Score
By eliminating one debt at a time, you focus your efforts and create debt-reduction momentum. You can start where you are right now, today


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