For more information about these services
contact us at 615-213-1468
Hardest Hit Fund Program – Homeowners who qualify for financial assistance under this program may receive up to 18 months of monthly mortgage payments and/or funds to pay past due mortagage payments.
Have you had trouble making your mortgage payment on time? Are
your mortgage payments increasing due to adjusting interest
rates? Have you made a late mortgage payment within the last 6
months? We are often able to help you renegotiate with your
lender to keep foreclosure from happening.
Homebuyer Education – For typical homebuyer education programs, participants complete eight to twelve course hours. The “Realizing the American Dream” homebuyer education curriculum* used by these certified trainers addresses the following four basic areas: 1. Budgeting and Credit 2. Shopping for a Home 3. Getting a Mortgage Loan 4. Keeping Your Home and Managing Your Finances.
Buster/Improve Credit Score
By eliminating one debt at a time, you focus your efforts and
create debt-reduction momentum. You can start where you are
right now, today